Are you ready for the “Landon update?” This kid never ceases
to amaze me. He is ridiculously
inquisitive with a mind like a steel trap.
He asks a lot of questions and then remembers ALL the answers. My google search engine is on fire multiple
times a day because most of the time I don’t know the answer. He loves to be able to explain things to
anyone that will listen, so be prepared if he sits you down for a conversation,
you will be committed to a solid length of time.
Landon had an amazing first grade year.
Kindergarten was rough as most of the second
part of the year was spent at home on the computer.
Landon loves electronics so he had no trouble
getting on the computer, the difficult part was finding work that was
challenging for him.
He seemed to get
bored and distracted easily taking forever to complete his assignments.
First grade has been a bit of the same.
He loves his math especially and fortunately
for him it comes very easy.
He soared
through the first-grade material and has been doing math on a 2
grade level.
He absolutely loves to read
and reads to me each night and then reads a couple chapters on his own.
Great for him but I keep missing sections of
the book- ha ha.
He was invited to
attend an AIG camp this week and I am hopeful that he enjoys himself.
He is excited for next year and we have opted
to have them in different classrooms again so they can continue to grow as
individuals and not worry about a comparison to each other.
Landon definitely prefers his video games over his
He did play baseball this past
spring and he enjoyed himself and I saw improvement overall.
He struggled a bit though because the coach
was very much about winning and Landon just didn’t have the same attitude – he
wanted to have fun.
He absolutely loves
to roller skate and he literally flies around the neighborhood.
He has chosen to play soccer this Fall.
I don’t recall him enjoying soccer the last
time he played, but he seemed to have fun practicing with Riley and wants to
try it again.
Now he did take breakdancing this past year
and the recital was glorious! He was adorable up on stage and he loves to dance
around when given the opportunity.
biggest recent accomplishment is swimming.
We joined a local pool and the first couple times there Landon refused
to take off his life vest and also took 30 or more minutes to get “used to” the
After more time at the pool and
some lessons, he now jumps right into the water without hesitation and is even
jumping off the diving board without his vest on.
He is able to swim short distances and has
gained so much confidence in himself – which in turn helps me to be more
comfortable with him in the water.
Landon continues to be a struggle with dinner.
He takes forever to eat his meals and is
unwilling to try anything new without encouragement (ie Minecraft time).
His current favorite food is macaroni and cheese,
but he will also eat chicken nuggets and pizza pretty easily.
His breakfast drink of choice is Pedaisure.
We started him drinking those daily over a
year ago when getting him to eat breakfast and get out the door in time for
school was a struggle.
The added bonus
is he has had very little episodes of reflux since we started this so I
consider it a win.
His second favorite
drink is my dark chocolate almond milk that I use for overnight oatmeal.
He doesn’t snack as much as Riley, but his
preferred snack is cheese-its or dry cereal.
As for TV his favorite show seems to be Pokemon lately or he still loves
to watch Bluey.
He told hem tonight is
favorite song is “Big love happens in the small moments” (actual title is “Big
Love, Small Moments”) and I absolutely love watching him sing this song.
He has made his own hand motions and it is
Speaking of “adorable” that is
currently his favorite word and he uses it to describe just about everything
from babies to puppies to dragons.
Dragons are his current favorite animals and we have a dragon named “Airon”
that seems to go everywhere with us – along with a stuffed Pikachu.
Last night he wanted me to “battle” with his
dragons so I had to make up my own dragon powers and “attempt” to “fight” his
dragons, but there was no way I could beat that imagination.
He loves to make people laugh and attempts to make up his
own jokes.
He has an infectious smile with
one front tooth that seems to have been missing forever.
He has lost 5 teeth and his molars are yet
to grow in, but I see them coming.
has a huge heart.
As I mentioned about
Riley, she has a lot of anxiety and gets worried quickly.
She was worried yesterday about spending the
night with a friend and he reassured her several times that he would be with
her and then he went and got her comfort stuffies from her overnight bag and
handed them to her.
He likes to give me
back massages and asks to do them daily – which I will allow, even if they are
a little rough.
He likes to help Pat
with projects around the house – particularly if they involve building.
He still asks me to cuddle in the mornings
and sometimes just wants to cuddle before bed as well.
All in all, he has had a good year both developmentally and
socially. I think he has gained
confidence in himself and I have noticed he wants to play more with the neighborhood
kids now – he used to prefer to play by himself and tended to stay inside. He is still a tad socially awkward with the
boys, but considering they are mostly 5 years older than he it is challenging
for him to be on the same level. He
loves to meet new people when we are out and introduces himself to everyone and
will play with anyone. He especially
likes it when he can teach them something.
I am excited to see what second grade and the year to come brings for him.
First day of first grade
Dancing... always dancing
Helping with the playset
Loves "his time" when Riley is in dance
This is how he sleeps....
Boy Scout Bridging Ceremony
Happy Birthday!
Giving a weather report